Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Terrible end

I thought the last scene started out well with Deckard going into the apartments and being confronted and killing the first android swiftly, but then it started to get drawn out. Leon, the last surviving android first comes down from Tyrell's home and sees that Pris has been killed and is visibly upset. He then runs behind a wall and actually reaches through, grabs Deckard's arm, takes his gun, breaks his fingers, and then gives his gun back and tells him he has a few seconds to run. After that the chase is on. This is where the scene starts to get monotonous and very annoying. First they chase eachother through the bottom floor, then when all looks doomed for Deckard he manages to poke a hole through the cieling and get up to the next floor, which is very unrealistic. Then Leon busts his head through a wall and goes after Deckard again. This brings nothing new to the scene, just repetition. After this Deckard goes out the window (we clearly know hes not going to fall to his death) and somehow manages to scale the side of a building with 2 broken fingers in the rain. (once again highly unrealistic)  He then attempts to jump from one building to the other when Leon comes on the roof (Woah, didnt see this once coming) and of course he lands on the edge and is holding on for dear life. For some reason Leon jumps over and lifts him up over the edge onto the roof, then sits down and says "time to die," lowers his head, and shuts down. I dont think i have ever watched what im guessing was to be an action scene end this terribly.

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