Monday, November 1, 2010

Friday the 13th

The movie i watched was friday the 13th. It's an old movie from the 80's where a killer goes around a summer camp type of place killing the people who live there. The killers name is jason. I found this movie more comical then scary. It was made well back in the 80's when it came out, but now it is just funny to watch with all the upgrades in technology and horror movies. The way most of the kids are killed in this movie is very cheesy and can be prevented. It is also very easy to predict what will happen next and to see something coming before it even happens. The cabin all the counselors stay in is cabin 13 and the movie happens to take place on friday the 13th. The killer actually turns out to be a camper that drowned many years ago by the name of jason. The counselors never realize this because none of them really paid attention to what they were taught, warned, or told. Jason kills them one by one by isolating them and then slaughtering them. There is of course though one survivor as there is in every horror movie ever made like this whose name is alice. The movie ends on a cliffhanger when she wakes up in the hospital and asks about jason, and the police say they never found him.

I woke up this morning and decided to go outside my dorm for a quick cig before i grabbed some breakfast when i noticed something was wrong. It wasnt very hard to notice that there were two of my dorm mates walking down the hall covered in blood screaming brains!!! I thought this was a joke at first untill they tried to bite me. As i made my way outside i was in shock, it looked as if half the campus had been destroyed by something big, seeing as how there was a giant crater that took up what used to be jeff hill. There were also many other people looking like the ones i saw in my dorm chasing around the few lucky survivors. The smell in the air was horrible too, a mixture of death and rotten eggs. It seemed as if it was coming from the dust that was quickly rising out of the crater and blanketing all of campus. The only noises i could hear were brains!!! or the occasional scream from help from one of the few survivors. That is when i realized i had a zombie apocalypse on my hands. The future i see is way different then ridley scotts because there are no androids, there is no society or rules, just humans trying to survive as long as possible. The only similarity is the bad smelling haze that grows by the minute. Other than that my future resembles zombieland more than Blade Runner.

This scene was very dark and sketchy. The lighting made it hard to see a lot of what was going on, and most of the light was directed on the faces, with a lot of the background or bodies blacked out. There was also ominous music playing in the background which magnified the darkness and made it even sketchier. The costumes also added to this effect, being very simple and very dark, brown and black. The dialogue between the characters was simple, short, and somewhat ominous. It was obvious that there was a lot of tension during that scene, and i think the dark lighting, dark costumes, and "dark" dialogue set that feeling up very well. Most of the sentences between the two characters were short, and somewhat accusatory. It was quite obvious that it was a tense moment when they met each other and began to speak. They also tended to give each other dirty looks which were discrete but added to the overall feeling of the scene.

This scene was supposed to be very tense, and very dramatic. The person talking was very slow and direct with his words, in a creepy low kind of voice. There was very dramatic music playing softly in the background the entire time so it was meant to evoke emotions and create a dramatic end to this characters life. Deckard was supposed to feel some sympathy for this character, and also grateful that he survived. The lighting was dark and it was raining the entire scene, so that also set up the drama. It was a typical dramatic death scene that was supposed to evoke emotion from the audience which was supposed to be a mixture of sadness, confusion, and a little bit of worry. Music and dialogue can be used to evoke many different types of emotions, whether anger, sadness, or humor. This was more directed towards sadness with how slow and direct the character was speaking. It was also a change from the characters normal demeanor through the rest of the movie, and that was intended to catch the audiences attention too.

Now that all the replicants and tyrell are dead, deckard has no job to do anymore. His life will spiral downwards into a life of drugs, alcohol, and cheap women. He will resort to stealing or committing crimes to support this lifestyle. He already had very obvious emotional problems in his life, and now that there is nothing more for him to do in his job, he will just drink and use drugs all day. He really has nothing to live for anymore. He really didnt have any talents other than killing androids, and has no real chance of getting back on the police force, so his life has become quite meaningless. He will work series of meaningless jobs, and this will cause him to spiral even further downwards, untill he reaches a black hole of depression, when he will most likely die while doing something stupid while under the influence. That is of course unless somehow the manufacturing of androids is continued by another person with the same abilities as Tyrell, Then deckard will be fine untill he drinks himself to death.

The research for file sharing online is going pretty well so far, there is alot of information but i have to be careful about points of view, because there are different people who are very passionate about one side of the argument or the other, and i need to not listen to those, and compile all the facts and find more neutral viewpoints. My research question is how can we make file sharing legal without hurting the music/movie industry? I have found information on the amount of money that is lost from file sharing, whether illegal or "legal", and the different types of file sharing and the loopholes in some of the laws that pertain to file sharing, as well as p2p sharing. One solution i have found is to completely make file sharing and p2p sharing completely illegal, or to make it a subscription type of service where you pay each month or once a year to download or share music and movie files. The one that seems best so far is making it completely illegal because this is the only way that the loopholes could be fixed and it could be monitored easily.

1 comment:

  1. Matt, I think you might have fallen asleep during the movie. I won't give it away, but Jason is not the killer.
